Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren't always comfortable, but they're never weakness.
Brene Brown
Macee Whatley
I am a licensed mental health counselor committed to helping women, teen girls and couples navigate life’s
stressors, communication pitfalls, and boundary-setting difficulties. I believe faulty core beliefs are at the
foundation of dysfunctional thinking patterns, misinformed decision-making, and behaviors that don’t align with your values. My work focuses on targeting faulty core beliefs and teaching you how to replace them with
healthy beliefs that allow you to thrive.
I specialize in working with self-esteem/self-worth, relationship issues, boundary setting, communication
skills building, anxiety, and PTSD/trauma.
As of October 2022, I am now a published author. I created a journal that addresses self-worth issues by introducing
I am worthy of... statements, journal prompts and scriptures foundational to these self-worth concepts.
It is my desire to help you continue on in your self-discovery journey by identifying core beliefs that are
dysfunctional and learning to replace them with healthy beliefs so you can thrive.
You can find more information under the Book tab.
All sessions are virtual - no in-person sessions are available at this time.
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Hebrews 6:19